Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd has an internationally recognized reputation for the manufacture of the Titanium Electro Plating Heating Coil. Heating coil is used where steam or thermic fluid is used for large scale plating industrial operation. Tiaano offers electro plating industrial coils in various material of construction which suits for your electro-chemical plating process.
It can be supplied in various Shapes as per customer requirement. Typical Applications are as a Cooling Coil in Acid Zinc, Acid Copper and also Hard Chrome Baths. Tiaano is well versed in doing repair work of heating coil and it is in wide range in manufacturing the Titanium heating coil. Corrosion resistant coils are also manufactured to help match corrosion and chemical erosion solution.
Whether the factory environment is acidic or alkaline, salt-laden, or de-ionized, we have the capability to select the proper combination of materials to match your duty requirements. Tiaano efficiently manufactures a wide range of coil sizes and dimensions.
Our sincere team of professionals and employees are always making an extensive effort to make high range of qualitative products which can be completely satisfy the expectations of our reliable consumers. We are proficiency in ethical to the equipment demands in diverse industries including Power, Oil & Gas, and Chemical, Water & Waste Water Treatment, Food, Pharma and others.
