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Electrolytic Scale Remover for Cooling Water
Principle: Tiaano, India ventured and developed “Tiaano-ElSr” for removal or separation of scale/hardness by electrolytic operation. Continuous electrolytic scale removal or hardness removal and onsite disinfectants generation - mitigate the scaling, corrosion, bio-fouling & bacterial infection in cooling tower Water distribution system. In order to overcome the limitations of conventional cooling water treatment (addition of chemicals or by water softening). read more.. Feature: It produces Oxidants in the water; Oxidants prevents the Corrosion, Bio-fouling, Scaling, Micro-Organism growth & spread of airborne bacteria. Capacity: Modular system is designed and available according to the cooling tower chiller capacity like 200 TR, 400 TR, 600 TR, 800 TR, 1000 TR & 1200 TR.
Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.
Tiaano Bhavan, # 48, Noothanchery, Madambakkam, Chennai - 126, INDIA
Ph.: +91 94445 69900 / +91 91768 83999 HP: +91 73387 98832
Email: marketing@tiaano.com | tianode@gmail.com Web: www.tianode.com